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5 Lifestyle Choices that Promote a Healthy Menstrual Cycle & Period

May 18, 2022

5 Lifestyle Choices that Promote a Healthy Menstrual Cycle & Period

Your menstrual cycle and period responds to a wide variety of lifestyle factors, outside of nutrition and dietary changes.

In this article I'll take you through five lifestyle choices you can start incorporating for a healthy menstrual cycle and improved fertility health.

So, let's jump right in!

1. Switch to non-toxic or organic menstrual products.

Conventional pads and tampons are manufactured from a combination of cotton and synthetic fibres such as rayon and polyester. According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), 96 percent of cotton grown in the U.S. is genetically modified, making it one of the most heavily sprayed crops. In addition to the GMO cotton issue, the materials in conventional pads and tampons are bleached and exposed to a wide variety of toxic chemicals during the manufactering process. 

Many women who've replaced their regular pads and tampons with organic version (or reusable alternatives like menstrual cups and cloth pads) experience a significant decrease in organic alternatives.

2. Buy grass-fed meat and organic dairy.

Conventional meat and dairy products can be highly inflammatory, due to the practice of grain feeding and injection of growth hormones. Since the grains fed to conventional raised animals typically contain pesticide residue, the meat and dairy products from these animals also contain a degree of pesticide residue.

Also, conventionally raised cattle are routinely injected with growth hormones to quickly build muscle mass. Growth hormones are also used to increase milk production in dairy cattle (though this practice is illegal in Canada and Europe). So by opting for pasture-raised, organic grass-fed meat and dairy products, you reduce your exposture to xenoestrogens and growth hormones.

I think it's also important for me to highlight here that more meat and dairy farms are practicing healthier standards to ensure quality products.

3. Support your liver with an herbal detox

This is a CRUCIAL step. One of the best ways to support your liver health and rid your body of excess hormones and toxins is to use liver cleansing herbs. Click here to purchase your liver cleansing herbs. That way no matter what, you have you bases covered.

Your liver has three vital functions that's essential to your body: detoxification, synthesis and storage. Your liver recovers and eliminates many toxins, assures the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, and stores vitamin A, D, E and K, and glycogen. When your liver needs additional support you'll notice symptoms like skin breakouts, acne, eczema, chronic pms, breast tenderness, painful periods, heavy bleeding, heachaches, migraine and more. To naturally relieve these symptoms and improve health, shop the "Cleanse Health" tab for your herbal cleanse/detox.

4. Switch to natural, scent-free beauty products

The cosmetic and beauty industry is highly problematic as far as xenoestrogens are concerned. Pretty much all commercially available beauty products contain endocrine-disrupting chemicals. This includes body lotion, hand cream, deodorant, perfume, body wash, soap, shampoo, conditioner, shave gel, make-up...and the list goes on.

Unless you've actively sourced alternative beauty products, your house and bathroom cabinets are most likely full of them. These types of products are known to disrupt normal endocrine function and cause estrogenic effects in the body. Say hello to hormone disruption, estrogen dominant conditions and fertility problems. So, given that your skin is your largest breathing organ, and it absorbs whatever you put on it, replace your artificially scented and toxic collection with more eco-friendly and body conscious alternatives.

If you're resistant to buying safer beauty and cosmetic products, because you have a favorite, it's all the more important ot make sure you're using herbs to support your liver to expell toxins from your body.

5. Get Quality Sleep

As per a report by the Journal of Sleep Research, menstruating women who sleep for less than 6 hours per night are more likely to be affected by irregular periods and experience uncomfortably heavier flows. Quality sleeping patterns of a lack thereof have a lot of impact on your menstrual cycles. Mainly because sleep helps the body recuperate, reset and hormone levels to equalize, overall improving the functioning of your whole body.

Technically you already have a night-time routine, but if you didn't intentionally cultivate your habits, your current routine may not be setting you up for the best possible sleep. A night-time routine doesn't have to be long and involved. It could be somethign as simple as taking a bath, brushing your teeth, shutting off your device, and spending a few minutes reflecting on what you're grateful for. 

Try cultivating a few habits that put you in a more restful state as you wind down from your day. Keep it simple so you're more likely to stick with it.



Need and want to work 1-on-1 with me? Book your Holistic Health Consultation today!

Love and health,
