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A Deeper Look Into Your Vaginal Infections: What is the Spiritual Meaning and Cause?

July 14, 2022

A Deeper Look Into Vaginal Infections: What is the Spiritual Meaning and Cause?

I am a firm believer that whenever something goes wrong in our body, there is a deeper reason outside of physical causes waiting to be found. I believe the answer is actually hiddden in our hearts, mind, feelings, soul, and even our wombs as women.

This allows for such an incredible journey into deeper healing -- which is why I enjoy studying and incorporating the wisdom of the mind-body-spirit connection into my life and work.

A little insight into your metaphysical vagina.

Our bodies’ ailments are indicators of what is happening with us emotionally, mentally, and psychologically, not just physically. Reproductive and genital issues can carry a metaphysical or spiritual meaning that gives us amazing insights and understanding of how to treat it and how to prevent.

And more, how to cultivate a healthier relationship with ourselves and our body, and our external environment.

While there are plenty of important functions in and around your vagina, it is first and foremost a sexual organ. It's the part of your body that's penetrated within a sexual relationship.

This is the place where someone or something enters your body, and simultaneously, the place where you decide to recieve (or not). Metaphorically, this represents one of the most vulnerable places on our body.

Your vagina is connected to your heart, throat and voice

First, to understand this concept it requires you to expand your mind. In eastern philosophy and medicine it's understood that the vagina, cervix and womb is connected to the heart, throat and voice - energetically, and through the nevous system.

So vaginal infections might be trying to communicate where you are misaligned and not honoring yourself in these areas. 

Sometimes when we can’t speak or don’t feel safe to say what we want to say, the energy of those unspoken words get shunted down to the vagina. And, when imbalanced, it asks us how vulnerble we are with our hearts and words, speaking the truth, communicating from the heart, and asking for our desires.

Did you know your throat (or the vocal fold tissue), the vagina and cervix are made of the same type of body tissue and behave the same way. This was actually tested by the way. And it's not a coinsidence, being that both are the openings in and out, to and from, the world, for women.

How does the vagina express displeasure through symptoms?

The vagina might be expressing its displeasure or uneasiness by being “out of balance.” This is when you'll see symptoms show up like itching, odor, irritation, swelling, discolored discharge, pain during sex or burning during urination.

Sometimes these issues are about a spiritual or energetic penetration: someone pressing negative energy into you or making you do things you don’t want to do (whether sexually or not, or even consciously or not).

Your vaginal outbreaks can even be about you not able to uphold your own boundaries.

Here are some question that you can feel into and ask yourself:

  • Do I feel connected to myself and what I want?
  • Do I set loving and healthy boundaries for myself?
  • Do my "yes" and my "no" matter?
  • Do I feel seen and heard in my relationship?
  • Do I feel safe in my relationship?
  • Does my vagina experience pleasure? Does it say yes to intimacy?
  • Is my heart present in my relationship?
  • Is my heart held and supported?
  • Is my spirit in or out of balance lately?
  • Is my heart nourished in my relationship? Is it given what it needs to grow?
  • What do I need to say that I'm not saying
  • Has something happened to my vagina that really isn’t okay with me?

Sit with these questions and feel into these answers. Sometimes even without any direct trauma to this area in our body, the vagina, cervix (and womb) simply has an opinion about the relationship we are in...with ourselves and others.

In Summary

Vaginal concerns like yeast infections, bacterial vaginosis, recurring bladder infections and even sti's are definitely annoying. Especially when they keep showing up relentlessly, but they might also be trying to tell you something.

When you are experiencing issues with your vagina, it can mean something is off energetically with you. The spiritual meaning of vaginal infections can be explored by spending some time with your vagina and listening to what she has to say. have. Thiscan be the key to making positive, healthy changes in our lives that nourish our hearts and voices.

To treat them using herbs, go visit Yeast & BV Health or Urinary Tract Health tab to purchase your herbal supplements.

It’s important to get STI screenings, practice safe sex and healthy genital hygiene, to clean up your diet and address any underlying health issue when something is going wrong down there.

I cover vaginal yeast infections in my article, Why Am I Having Vaginal Yeast Infections & How Do I Treat It Naturally?



Be Well and Take Care,
