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10 Common Causes of Pregnancy Loss & Natural Tips For Prevention

· Fertility,Pregnancy

10 Common Causes of Pregnancy Loss & Natural Tips For Prevention

Contrary to popular belief, early pregnancy loss is common for women to experience. Despite it being such a taboo topic to discuss in many circles. In fact, not creating a space to openly and freely speak about them makes pregnancy loss seem far less common than they actually are.

As a women's health practitioner and natural fertility mentor, I've worked with a number of women who have experienced a pregnancy loss, and some more than once.

And, one of the echoing questions women who miscarry ask, is "WHY?".

While there may be unknown factors in some miscarriage cases, with most pregnancy losses, there are identifiable reasons why a woman's pregnancy doesn't develop full term.

Even if you don't know them right away.

In this article we'll delve into some of those reasons.

What is Pregnancy Loss?

Pregnancy loss is the unexpected loss of a fetus before the 20th week of pregnancy. It's also known as a miscarriage or spontaneous abortion. The loss of the fetus after 20 weeks is called a "stillbirth".

On paper, statistically, about 10 to 20 percent of known pregnancies end in a loss. But truth is, this statistic is actually when you include pregnancies that go undetected, or mistaken for a late period. Pregnancy loss is as common as 1 in every 3 pregnancies ending unexpectedly.

What Causes Pregnancy Loss?

There's a reason, and a cause, for pregnancy loss happening. When you discover them, you can empower yourself to decrease the odds of pregnancy loss. Keep reading to learn about some of the 10 most common causes of pregnancy loss.

1. Chromosomal Abnormalities

Chromosomal abnormalities are actually the leading cause of miscarriages in women. The most common reason that an embryo or fetus doesn’t survive is because of genetic abnormalities. 

This means the fetus is developing with a genetic issue that would make it is unable to survive outside the womb or further along in pregnancy. Certain genes in a developing fetus may be missing or causing abnormal growth of the baby or placenta.

The fetus also may have the wrong number of chromosomes.

In many cases this results in miscarriage, due to the natural intelligence of the mother's body and fetus. The mother’s body or the fetus itself recognizes it is unable to survive and ends the pregnancy. 

Blighted ovum and molar pregnancies are examples of chromosomal abnormalities

2. Vitamin and Mineral Deficiences

Nutrient deficiences are another cause of pregnancy loss. I can not stress enough, just how important nutrition is for a pregnant woman and her developing baby.

Many nutrients are essential to maintain healthy hormone levels for a full-term pregnancy: quality protein, healthy fats, iron, folate, vitamin A, vitamin D, B vitamins, selenium, iodine, choline, copper and magnesium to name a few.

Deficiencies in these important nutrients during key developmental times in pregnancy can affect fetal development, and the health of mom. It's why taking a quality prenatal vitamin to help fill nutrient gaps is so important. The best time to start taking prenatal is before pregnancy for aduquate nutrient stores.

Check out our herbal Prenatal Tincture or Prenatal and Beyond supplements in the apothecary.

3. Poor Sperm Quality

While traditional narratives typically focus on the mother’s role in pregnancy loss and infertility, the quality of the father’s sperm can have a significant impact on pregnancy outcomes. Most men don't realize they have poor sperm health until they a trying to impregnate a woman.

A man's sperm health is affected by different factors like abuse of alcohol, tobacco or other drugs, hormonal imbalances, high-stress lifestyle, infections, exposure to poison or radiation, and prior injury or surgery to the groin area.

Several study's found a link between the quality of a man’s sperm and the incidence of recurrent miscarriage in their partner. Truth is, fertiltiy is a team effort, it takes two to conceive. It's why we offer our HER & HIS Fertility Support supplements to enrich both egg quality and sperm quality in couples to improve conception rates.

4. Autoimmune Disease

Women who suffer from autoimmune diseases are at a higher risk for experiencing a pregnancy loss. While many women with autoimmune disease have healthy babies, autoimmunity conditions can be a contributing factor to miscarriage because of other underlying health issues.

Some of the autoimmune conditions that have been linked to miscarriage include:

  • Lupus
  • Autoimmune Hepatitis
  • Thyroid disease (Hashimoto's & Graves)
  • Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome
  • Scleroderma

5. Hormonal Imbalances

Hormonal imbalances can cause pregnancy loss and recurrent miscarriages. Hormonal imbalance is the presence of too much or too little hormones in the bloodstream.

Hormones are the chemical messengers found in the endocrine system of your body - that are circulated and transported through your bloodstream and perform certian actions on target organs - thereby telling your organs what to do and how to do it. 

All hormones needed for the development and growth of your unborn baby and your wellness should be available in the right proportion and concentration. Your thyroid, pituitary, prolactin, progesterone, adrenal, insulin and cortisol hormone balance are all important to help maintain a healthy pregnancy.


Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) are at three times higher risk for miscarriage. As I just mentioned, hormonal imbalances play a key role.

Research reveals elevated levels of insulin, blood sugar dysregulation and inflammation in women with PCOS may cause this unfortunate phenomenon.

Many women with PCOS can and do go on to have full-term pregnancies, please do not despair if you are trying to get pregnant with PCOS. With the appropriate support, natural supplementing and lifestyle changes women with PCOS can certainly improve their odds.

If you would like my expertise and support, I invite you to schedule a FREE Health Discovery Call to get started.

7. Uterine Abnormalities

Uterine abnormalities can affect pregancy and cause a miscarriage. Conditions like a thin uterine lining, a septate uterus, a blocked fallopian tube, scar tissue to form in the uterus, and large cysts or fibroids all contribute to a miscarriage.

Endometriosis has been linked to an 80% increased chance of miscarriage. Cervical imcompetence can contribute to miscarriages as well. Unfortunately, some of these conditions often remain undiagnosed until a woman experiences a loss of pregnancy. 

For example, an ectopic pregnancy is the most common complication of blocked fallopian tubes.

This happens when a fertilized egg develops outside of the mother's uterus. Ectopic pregnancy is considered a life-threatening emergency and requires immediate medical attention.

8. Underdeveloped Placenta

The placenta is the magical organ that develops during pregnancy to sustain your baby’s growth, blood and nutrient supply. When the placenta does not develop properly a miscarriage can happen.

The placenta not only provides nutrients to your baby, but it removes waste from the baby through the umbilical cord.

The placenta helps to pass on the necessary antibodies to the baby from the mother and emits the hormones that help keep a pregnancy viable.

If this critical organ doesn’t grow properly or grow large enough to do its job, a miscarriage can and will happen.

9. Environmental Toxins

Smoking, alcohol, heavy metals, endocrine-disrupting chemicals, solvents, pesticides, pollution, and radiation have all been linked to early pregnancy loss, preterm delivery, low birth weight, and birth defects.

If a mother is exposed to high levels of any of these chemicals, loss of pregnancy may result. Especally if the mother (and the father) have not completed a cleanse before conceiving, and wasn't living a healthy lifestlye.

This is why with my fertility clients we focus on a 30-Day Holistic Cleanse prior to conceiving to properly prepare the body for pregnancy.

Also, I like to remind women that it's important to consider our thoughts, beliefs, feelings and emotional state when carrying child. Unhealthy thoughts, negative self-talk, panic and fear contribute to a toxic inner environment.

These emotions, when felt habitually, will cause real physiological changes in your body, alter your hormone levels, and negatively impact pregnancy, leading to miscarriage.

10. Hyperglycemia (High Blood Sugar)

High blood sugar levels early in pregnancy have been shown to increase the risk of pregnancy loss, cause diabetes-related complications and even birth defects. Getting a good handle on your blood sugar levels before becoming pregnant makes for some good preventative medicine.

You can purchase our herbal Blood Sugar Support supplement to help regulate your blood sugar and insulin levels.

Women who experience blood sugar problems and diabetes can have full-term pregnancies, and healthy babies, but you must take extra precaution.

Natural Lifestyle Tips for Pregnancy Loss Prevention

While not all pregnancy losses can be prevented, there are many different actions women can take to help improve our fertility outcome.

Here are tips to help improve your pregnancy outcome and prevent a miscarriage:

  1. Be proactive and develop a wellness attitude and mindset BEFORE conceiving. The work begins here.
  2. Meet with a trusted health provider or midwife to ensure you're getting proper prenatal care. As a Women's Practitioner and Natural Fertility Mentor, I do provide preconception and prenatal health consultations and coaching.
  3. Start supplementing with any of our natural fertility supplements to support egg and hormone health. Shop here.
  4. Take a quality prenatal vitamin prior to conceiving and during pregnancy to support you and baby. I always recommend real food prenatals with bioavailable vitamins and minerals to help fill nutrient gaps in your diet. Purchase my herbal Prenatal & Beyond supplement.
  5. Learn to incorporate stress-reducing habits like exercise, meditation, journaling, more laughter, walking, dancing, singing or spending time with family and friends.
  6. Avoid smoking, alcohol, and drug use while pregnant.
  7. Make sure your meals are properly prepared to avoid infection and food borne illness.
  8. Eat nutrient dense foods with plenty of quality protein and vegetables to help maintain healthy blood sugar levels.

It is my hope that this blog article was truly informative and helpful for you!

If you're interested in working with me to support your pregnancy or to help improve your fertility schedule a FREE Health Dsicovery Call!

Love and health,
