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Postpartum Depression: Uncontrolled Mood Swings and Your Nutrition

February 24, 2021

Postpartum Depression: Uncontrolled Mood Swings and Your Nutrition

There’s no doubt that the cause of postpartum depression is multidimensional. We can’t point a finger at any one cause. But what I do know for certain is that mom’s nutrition plays a key role in helping to regulate mood, and regulating her hormones.

This is why it's so important to ensure your postpartum diet provides nutrients to optimize your vitamin and nutrient stores, during and after pregnancy. If you suspect you are deficient in certain nutrients, then replenishing these nutrients are key to your postpartum wellness.

Focusing on nutrient- dense foods and using specific premium supplements can help reduce your risk of developing postpartum depression.

Why might a mom be nutrient-deficient?

A baby’s body is built from the food mom eats as well as the nutrients stored in her body. When there’s not enough nutrients to go around for both mom and baby, baby’s needs always comes first, potentially leaving mom depleted. Hence, pregnant women have increased calorie and nutrient needs in order to keep both her, and baby, healthy.

What nutrient deficiencies may contribute to postpartum depression?

Throughout scientific literature, there are common nutrient deficiencies that have been implicated in depression. These same nutrients frequently become depleted during pregnancy and may play a role in the development of postpartum depression.

  1. B-vitamins (specifically B6, B9, B12)
  2. Trace minerals (specifically zinc, iron, folate and selenium)

1. Essential Fatty Acids (EPA/DHA)

The omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA are the most well-researched nutrients when it comes postpartum depression and nutrient depletion. Early observational studies consistently show that serum and dietary omega-3 fatty acid levels are low in depressed patients. Countries with lower omega-3 fatty acid consumption have higher rates of depression. 

As supplementing individuals who have major depressive disorder with fish oil has shown to be effective, the American Psychiatric Association recommends supplementation as a standard of care. 

EPA/DHA are essential fatty acids, meaning we need to consume them in our diet in order to have enough. In fact, maternal stores of DHA can be reduced by 50% during pregnancy and not return to pre-pregnancy levels until 6 months postpartum. 

Since a baby’s brain is composed of 60% fat, this is pretty important. If a mom isn’t consuming at least 12 oz of fatty fish each week, she will want to make sure she supplements with a high-quality fish oil supplement.

Food sources: Wild salmon, sardine, herring, mackerel, algae

*While there are plant sources of omega-3 fatty acids (like flaxseeds and walnuts), the conversion of these sources into EPA/DHA are low, making consumption of fatty fish or fish/algae oil supplementation necessary if you are VEGAN or VEGETARIAN.

2. Vitamin D

While there has been a limited focus of study on the postpartum population, cross-sectional studies show low serum levels of vitamin D are associated with depressive symptoms.

Ideally we’d get enough vitamin D through sun exposure and food; however, most of us aren’t outside enough and the small amount in food makes this goal difficult to reach. There are also a variety of factors that influence our body’s ability to produce vitamin D such as the climate you live in, your skin tone, using SPF, or limiting sunlight. 

At least 50% of Americans are vitamin D deficient. And because baby can only use what resources mom has available, some newborns have no detectable levels of vitamin D in their blood when they are born.

Food sources: Fatty fish, liver, eggs 

*Your best bet is to get your vitamin D levels checked before, during, and after your pregnancy (and supplement accordingly). Shoot for a blood range of 40-70 ng/mL.

3. B-Vitamins (specifically B6, B9, B12)

While there are few studies that have investigated the relationship between B vitamins and postpartum depression, depression in the general population has been linked to low levels of B vitamins. B12 is often correlated with depression in elder populations, while B9 shows correlation with depression in adult and adolescent populations. One theory behind this is that low levels of B6, B9, and B12 may cause decreased synthesis of the neurotransmitters serotonin, dopamine, and noradrenaline. All of which play a role in mood regulation.

It’s also known that pregnancy, stress, and high sugar intake (sound familiar?) deplete B-vitamin. Since B-vitamins are water-soluble (are not stored long term) mom needs to make sure she’s consuming and absorbing adequate amounts of foods high in B-vitamins every day. 

Vegetarian and Vegan moms need to pay even more attention to their diet to ensure sufficient intake.

Food sources: Organic animal protein (fish, eggs, poultry, pork), dairy, beans, fruits and vegetables

4. Trace Minerals (Zinc, Iron, Folate, Selenium)

Women’s bodies are depleted of minerals during pregnancy, childbirth, and lactation due to the transfer of minerals to the fetus and blood loss. 

While trace minerals are easy to find in the diet, the increased demands on mom’s body may make her susceptible to deficiency. Deficiencies in these minerals have been associated with depression and mood disorders. Some studies suggest that supplementation of these nutrients during pregnancy may be an effective approach for the prevention of miscarriage and postpartum depression.

Food sources of zinc: organic red meat, seeds, beans

Food sources of iron: organic red meat, liver, oysters, green leafy veggies

Food sources of folate: dark green leafy veggies, broccoli, asparagus

Food sources of selenium: organic meat, fish, brazil nuts

I highly recommend moms stay on their prenatal vitamin for at least 6 months postpartum (more, if nursing). This helps mom meet the nutritional demands (including B-vitamins and trace minerals) associated with postpartum healing while replenishing and maintaining mom’s nutrient stores.


To safely prevent, manage or treat postpartum depression you can use this information to optimize your diet during pregnancy and postpartum. Having a feeling of control, especially if a you have experienced postpartum depression in a previous pregnancy can be really encouraging. Consuming the right amounts of the right nutrients won’t may significantly help you and baby feel your best.

Please remember that diet and supplementation alone may not be enough to prevent or treat postpartum depression, mood, and anxiety disorders. Make sure you enlist support from friends, family members, and neighbors to get you through this amazing, but sometimes tough time.

The postpartum period is naturally difficult to navigate for moms, but if you’re experiencing excessive anxiety, fatigue, recurrent thoughts of death or suicide, difficulty concentration and making decisions, lack of interest in past hobbies, or feelings of guilt or worthlessness, please seek help from a professional.

- Shavonne
